Sleepy Sunday Newsletter - Chapter 1 (January 2023): Tips, Science and the best Content about Sleep + a note from our Founder

Sleepy Sunday Newsletter - Chapter 1 (January 2023): Tips, Science and the best Content about Sleep + a note from our Founder

Sleepy Sunday Newsletter

by 8hrS

Selfcare Tip of the Month.

👆 This might sound trivial, but one thing that has helped us is preparing our morning the night before. Make those overnights oats, pick out that outfit, maybe place that gym bag besides your bed if you intend on working out early.
And then in the morning: make your bed

This small victory, combined with the ease of running through the steps of your perfectly prepared morning will provide you purpose and a good feeling straight off the bat (or rather straight out of the bed). It sets the tone for the day.

Sleep Tip of the Month

😴 Is your mind still racing with all those things you need to do tomorrow or trying to crack some work/personal problem? Keep a journal next to your bed and just briefly scribble down some to-do's or ideas that you want to tap into the next day. Then let go of it.

Media tips of the Month.

👂 Listen: One podcast that always hits the spot of actionable and scientific is Andrew Huberman's Hubermanlab. 
For some true gems on sleep, give this episode a listen.

📚 Read: Ok, we're going to kick this one off with an absolute classic. Why we sleep by Matthew Walker. A true wake up call full of knowledge, interesting facts and maybe a bit of shock therapy.

👀 Watch: That very same Matthew Walker gives one of the most in depth explanations about Sleep and wakefulness on the Tim Ferris show in January.


What we want to tell you.

We just wanted to tell you about this newsletter. In line with our mission, we want to share thoughts, research, facts, pictures... you name it, related to Sleep. 
But it's more than Sleep. Sleep is one of the foundations of a balanced, purposeful and healthy life - both physically as well as mentally. Hence the goal of this newsletter is to bring you our 2 cents on those topics. Not from a place of preaching, but from a place of sharing knowledge and possible inspiration. We hope you enjoy these - they'll drop in your mailbox on every last Sunday of the month, should generally take no more than 10 min to read and, although this is work under construction and might vary, they'll generally follow the same structure as this one. 

8hrS January update in 8 Short lines.

We want to share updates on what's happening, what we're working on or what's going on in the 8hrS' team minds in 8 short snippets per month. See it as a teaser for you and an accountability tracker for us.
  • New products
  • Restock
  • Looking for Content Creators
  • More collabs
  • New Stores
  • Subscription
  • Lab tests
  • From Sleep to holistic Health
Something to drift off to...
We just love sunsets.
This particularly magnificent sunset view was to be admired off the coast of Costa Rica, near Playa Santa Teresa, a quiet idyllic surfers town.
Seeing the sun go down is not only a moving experience for many, it's actually biologically beneficial to set your circadian rhythm.
What's not to like?
A note from the Founder.
Thank you for taking the time to go through our first newsletter, I hope you've enjoyed the content and are here for the ride.
I just want to use the last couple of lines of every newsletter to share some of my thoughts, whether it's sleep related or not. 
This month, I'd like to share a bit on how I (try to) live my life. I'm no philosopher, nor do I claim to know the secret of life. But these are some rules/processes/habits that have helped me tremendously:
1. The body benefits from movement, the mind from stillness (daily exercise will benefit you in every aspect of your life. But stillness or 'boredom' is the foundation of creativity - make time for it) 
2. Seek passion, but don't expect it to make it easy (passion will give you purpose, but don't expect to love every second of your life because you do something you're passionate about - it's still hard work)
3. Design your environment to make the good habits easy and the bad habits hard (willpower is like a muscle, it gets fatigued - make sure you don't need to use it too much. Want to eat healthy? Make sure you only have healthy things at home)
4. Do you, follow your path. It's the right one (David Forster Williams wrote: "I stopped caring what others think about me when I realised how seldom they do". I find this liberating)
5. Be aware of the power of compounding in every aspect of life (1% improvements every day compound to HUGE achievements, same goes for consistent habits)
These simple rules have helped me more than I can explain, I hope it might do the same for you. And if you trip up, that's ok. You're human and this life is sometimes hard.
These rules are simple, not easy.
If you're still reading: thank you.

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